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Junk Foods: Leading Cause of Obesity and Diabetes

In the United States, obesity and diabetes has been considered as epidemic. Diabetes and obesity cases have indeed alarmed the government authorities, especially the health sector. The main cause of which is that fast food restaurants and processed foods that contain preservatives and chemicals are rampant in the United States.

Nutritionists and health experts across the country have recommended to the public to refrain from taking in unhealthy and less nutritious food. Unfortunately, it seems that many did not heed this call. Around 75 million people in the US still go to fast food restaurants to dine and consume large quantities of food. Nowadays, Americans prefer to buy fast food and to eat out. The fast food meals contain less nutritious and high calorie food like French fries and soft drinks. The meal also includes burgers which are made from meat that contains a lot of fats and salt, sweeteners, pesticide deposits and chemical seasonings. As a result, people have higher blood pressure and bigger waistlines.

New research shows that pesticide" deposits, and chemical seasonings (MSG) in fast food may be linked to obesity and disrupted hormones. It is not a surprise that more than half of the Americans have shown signs of overweight and obesity. Since 2000, one out of three children born will most likely develop diabetes. In the US, heart disorder, diabetes and obesity are the top 3 health concerns. These problems are results of the addiction of people, young and old, to junk food which are sold and served in fast food chains and school and office cafeteria.

Today, health advocates, parents and other concern citizens criticize junk food manufacturers. Despite the candy coated advertisement and marketing strategies, one thing is clear now. Junk food can cause serious health problems and even death.

It will be great for the government to lessen tax for organic food. Government officials can also subsidize healthy food. They should help promote backyard farming to yield healthier food. Schools should strengthen their physical education, gardening and cooking programs and classes. If it is possible TV advertisements on junk food should be lessened and commercials showing organic food and home cooked dishes should be encouraged.

In another study, having a salad bar and offering healthy and nutritious lunch can improve that academic performance and over-all health conditions of the students. Instilling healthy eating habits and teaching gardening skills to children will surely affect their lives positively.

Lastly, the government may also ponder on adding taxes to unhealthy junk food being served in the school canteen and fast food chains. All of these only one thing. Everyone should do their part to combat obesity and diabetes brought out by junk food consumption.